J. Carlos Fernandes began working with his father, Carlos Fernandes, Sr. in the concrete industry in 1988. For twelve years father and son fostered the core elements of their future collective family business success: quality workmanship, prompt job execution, and trusted employee and contractor teamwork. J. Carlos Fernandes assimilated that valued expertise and confidence into creating Chevy Chase Contractors in 2000.
From a humble beginning of 2 crews and a trailor, Carlos now outfits and employees fifteen crews throughout the Baltimore, DC, Maryland, and Virginia region. Over half of those crew members and management staff have been with the “family” for over ten (10) years. Loyalty to family is embraced and encouraged in this business setting, and the Chevy Chase Contractors extended “family” is a big reason for that success. Carlos “Senior” still comes to the office daily to “check in” on the business he helped develop. Family, Reliability, Expertise, and Safety. Chevy Chase Contractors.
Call 301-588-8090 to get started on your project.